| Rod Dickinson

Having extra money left in your bank account each month may be a sign that you can invest more for your retirement, and that’s great news! Perhaps you’ve accumulated a surplus cash flow with careful budgeting and planning. Maybe you’re earning more than ...

A successful retirement plan doesn’t happen by accident. Just as physically healthy people can trace their success to good eating and exercise, people who retire in a healthy financial situation can attribute their success to a strategic retirement plan ...

Nobody likes to make mistakes, especially when it comes to something as important as planning for retirement. Fortunately, if you’ve made one of the following mistakes, you can start today to remedy the problem and start taking positive steps toward ...

We all know that superannuation provides a roadmap to a successful retirement, and yet, many of us still aren’t following the best advice regarding our super. Hence, it’s all too easy to make retirement planning mistakes and end up at a destination that ...

A business loan can make a huge difference to your company, especially when you’re just starting out. A loan can help you to raise capital for startup costs, or it can provide funds for your business  when you’re in expansion mode. But how do you know ...

  Transcript: People often wonder if they’ll be better off paying down their mortgage quickly or investing their extra income into their super. If you have extra income, you’ll want to make the best use of it. But what’s the best use, and what will help ...

For many people, a gradual transition from full-time employment to full-time retirement is more desirable than a sudden and complete change. Fortunately, the Australian government has recognised this and developed a program that offers just that.  ...

Planning for an early retirement, or for retirement at any age, requires careful attention to long-term goals and the baby steps that help you to get there. As we make plans for the future, we usually talk in terms of “today’s dollars.” This can be ...