| Rod Dickinson

Something happens when you turn 40. Suddenly, retirement seems much closer than it did just a few months ago. It feels like it’s time to get serious, and it is. Most 40-year-olds have started saving for retirement, but many don’t know exactly how much ...

No two journeys toward retirement are the same. Some people start their careers right away, some spend many years in higher education, and some work sporadically throughout their lives. Some people marry, and some have children. Some people strive hard ...

It’s a popular dream: spending your days with the sea air in your hair, the sound of waves lulling you to sleep and a healthy year-round tan. With the right wealth management strategy, a coastal retirement doesn’t have to be just a dream. And the good ...

Retirement is the perfect time to travel. The kids are grown up and taking care of themselves, you’re not constrained by your employer’s demands and schedule, and you finally have the freedom to explore the world. After you retire you’ll definitely have ...

We spend so much time talking about saving and sacrificing for retirement that sometimes we forget to talk about the fun parts of retirement. Think of it. You’ll be able to wake up on Monday morning and do whatever you want! So just for today, let’s set ...

Looking for inspiration for saving for your golden years? We’ve put together ten savings tips that will help you to enjoy your retirement, account for growing aged care costs, and look forward to the future. 1. Start Salary Sacrificing Early The more ...

Every investment comes with some level of risk, but as you retire, it’s wise to minimise risk as much as possible. After all, the time for making up for risky investments with extra income has passed, and your strategy now is to hang on to as much of ...

With all the technology that makes our lives easier, it seems like we should have more family time than ever before. Unfortunately, even when families are physically together today, they’re often plugged in to their individual phones or devices. ...