| Marc Walsh

What will happen to your business when you no longer stand at the helm? The end of your tenure may occur for several different reasons, whether it’s pursuing new opportunities, facing sickness or disability, or retiring and spending your time travelling. ...

Business succession planning involves more than just coming up with a list of possible successors. Done well, succession planning results not only in a smooth exit for the business owner but also in a healthy and improved bottom line for the business as ...

Over the years, business owners put an incredible amount of time and effort into their work. At some point, all business owners start to think about transitioning to retirement. That might mean reducing the amount of time spent with the business, turning ...

It’s hard to talk about business succession without talking about business valuation. Valuation is critical to ensuring a smooth transfer of ownership, which can be a complicated and lengthy process. Business valuations can clarify many of the issues ...

Running a business requires a great deal of hard work and sacrifice. Business owners often focus on what they can do to keep their operation growing at a healthy pace, but often neglect planning for problems that could incapacitate their business if the ...

Entrepreneurs are valued for their ability to start businesses, but another one of their responsibilities is to arrange for their business’s succession. This needs to be started long before you need to leave your business. Why is business succession so ...

The ATO have advised they are continuing their data matching program for motor vehicles, by acquiring information for 2017 - 2019 financial years from state and territory motor vehicle registry authorities. Although data matching is not new, it continues ...

With one eye on the surplus and one eye on the 2019 election, last night’s budget had some expected pre-election treats. This budget is an election focused budget designed to win the hearts and minds of Middle Income Earners of Australia through tax cuts ...