| Marc Walsh

Setting up a business is a huge undertaking, no matter where you’re setting it up. There are so many things to consider: permits, leases, hiring, tax structuring, bookkeeping, marketing, manufacturing, and more. Fortunately for people who are setting up ...

Moving your business to Australia is an attractive idea for a variety of reasons. Whether you’re moving for the prosperous economy, the beautiful landscape, healthy lifestyle, and even the promise of backyard cricket, it’s important to understand the ...

Your business structure can have enormous implications for your bottom line. From your taxes and exit strategy to your earnings and personal circumstances, your business structure will have a bearing on nearly every facet of your organisation. It’s ...

In the midst of running your business, it’s easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day hustle that you forget to look to the future. At some point, however, you’ll want to exit your business. Whether you want to retire early to travel or relax or you ...

Succession planning can seem like a monumental task: you’ve got to develop a realistic plan for retaining and grooming talent, ensuring a smooth financial transition, and execute your plan all while you keep your business running day to day. It sounds ...

Whether your business is a start-up, a farm, a family business, or a large corporation, you may be able to take advantage of government grants designated for Australian businesses. These grants are non-repayable, so they won’t hamper future plans or cash ...

Tax specialist Marc Walsh shares his insights into Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) and its implications to you as a land owner and CFI participant.                    

You minimise your risk and protect your business in many different ways, from taking out insurance policies to creating policies and protocols. But have you considered how cybersecurity might affect your business and its profitability? Even ...