| Altus Team

A good business book can do much more than just fill the minutes of your commute; it can inspire you, provide needed advice and ideas, and keep your thoughts running on the cutting edge of your industry. But with thousands of business books being ...

Big data sounds intimidating and maybe a little scary, but all it is is a collection of data that represents an opportunity for insights and analysis into your business. In other words, it's data collected from traditional and digital sources that you ...

From the Monday-morning complaining, it's pretty clear that negative workplaces are everywhere. Not only are negative workplaces unpleasant places to be, but they suffer from a lack of productivity and teamwork that can have long-term consequences. The ...

Does your company need a CFO? Would the expertise of a CFO make a difference in the way your business operates and grows? As small businesses grow into mid-sized businesses, their architecture changes. By adding a CFO (whether internal or outsourced) can ...

Whether your business is large, small or in between - KPIs offer metrics that you, your investors, and shareholders can use to determine how well your company is performing. More importantly, KPIs give you a snapshot on where you need to improve and ...

Your business is sales and as you well know, the sales landscape has changed over the last three decades or so. For many years, the job of a salesperson was to highlight the various benefits and features of their latest product. In the current market, ...

What are the signs of a typical mid-life crisis? Buying an expensive sports car or boat, moving into a fancy home, getting Botox injections? It's easy to see how such behaviour can be a serious drain on your finances. During this time of life, however, ...

It's easy to calculate the value of your company's property, vehicles, computers, equipment, and other tangibles. Each item has a market value, and when you add up all of these figures you have a pretty good idea of what your assets are worth. But these ...