As you search, keep the terms of your loan firmly in mind. Remember it’s important to research before purchasing, check passed and current property prices in the area and gain an understanding of existing and planned infrastructure, such as public transport, school and shops.
4. Make an offer
When you’ve found a property that meets your needs and fits within your financial requirements, it’s time to make an offer. Keep in mind that a real estate agreement only becomes a legal commitment when you have a contract signed by both parties; the seller and the buyer.
The contract of sale will outline the selling price and your commitment which can be unconditional or sometimes include a cooling off period. At Altus, we can introduce you to a solicitor/conveyancer to check the purchasing conditions, help you understand rates and taxes applicable and check for building approvals, while running any relevant searches. They will also take care of the settlement process including managing the funds exchange on the settlement day.
5. Pay a deposit and formalise the contract
A deposit is required once the contract has been signed by both parties. Since you don’t yet have access to borrowed funds, this deposit will be paid with funds from your savings or other monies. In many cases, the period between paying the deposit and settling the exchange is about six weeks.
In the meantime, a valuation will be completed on the property to confirm that it is satisfactory security for your lender. Your Altus Loans and Finance Specialist will confirm with your lender that your pre-approval is still competitive and suitable for your requirements.
6. Complete documentation
Your lender will then issue mortgage documentation which details your loan agreement, any upfront and ongoing fees, interest rates, repayments and loan structure including offset and redraw facilities.
7. Settlement
Prior to settlement, your solicitor will work with your lender to ensure settlement is scheduled and will advise you of any funds you are required to provide to complete the purchase.
8. Ongoing relationship
Our relationship won’t end at settlement, we will stay in touch to ensure your loan continue to meet your needs now and in the future.
Buying a home or investing in property is a big step toward financial security, but it’s not the only step. Here at Altus, we provide our clients with support through every step of their financial lives. To speak with our Loans and Finance Specialist about purchasing a first home, refinancing, debt consolidation, or any other financial concern, reach out to us. We’re here to help.