What should I invest in?

What should I invest in?

Looking at the financial pages online or in the paper can be overwhelming, especially when you see the level of choice of investments. There are so may financial products that similar sounding names and you end up being left in a world of confusion.

Ok, so investing 101 … firstly, you need to know that there are 2 types of investments – debt and equity.

The second lesson is that is that one single investment will never meet all of your investment goals. You know how they say “don’t put all of your eggs in one basket?” Well this is particularly true when investing. Our philosophy is that it’s better to have the right mix of investments in a diversified strategy. The real skill here is getting the right mix of investments that will meet you goals and the level of risk you are comfortable with.

Cash and fixed interest AKA debt investments

Cash and fixed interest investments are called ‘debt’ investments. This is because you own the debt, not because you owe debt. Debt investments work best when you have short term goals. The returns aren’t always high, and generally the risk level is lower than other investments.

Property and shares AKA equity investments

Property and shares are called ‘equity’ investments. This is because you own the company or property in which you invest (part or full owner). Equity investments are popular for building wealth and meeting long - term goals. They are often called ‘growth’ investments because the value of your capital and the income you receive can grow over time.

Generally, the returns generated from equity investments are higher than debt investments and over a long term, the total return (income plus capital growth) can surpass the negative effects of inflation.

Don’t forget …

Short term, equity investments can increase and fall in value significantly (we call this volatility). Generally, the higher the return, the higher the short-term volatility. Equity investments are more effective in a long term strategy. Don’t be dismayed by the inevitable ups and downs of the market. What truly matters is the overall long term growth in this investment.

Explore these Altus services which are best aligned with your goal

Our investment specialists can create an investment solution that delivers you the financial outcome you’re looking for, whilst ensuring your tolerance for risk is appropriately managed. Investments can be short, medium or long term and we work with you to ensure the time horizon of your investments is aligned with your liquidity requirements and financial goals.

Financial planning is the first step to building wealth and giving you the financial freedom you desire. Your personalised plan takes into account your current situation, where you want to be in the future, and how best to get there by managing the flow of your finances to achieve the future you’ve always pictured.

There are many elements that are taken into account to achieve your financial plan: your attitude towards risk, your time horizon, investment choice, cashflow and borrowing capacity.

Retirement should be one of the most rewarding parts of life’s journey – a time when we finally get to enjoy our achievements and spend more time with the people we love. And the plan for a better tomorrow starts today. 

The truth is the sooner you start to plan for retirement, the better your options are. Our expertise in retirement and superannuation planning, includes specialist knowledge of wealth management and self-managed super funds (SMSFs), and automated online tools like Altus Exchange, all in one place. By planning your retirement early, we can help you towards the retirement lifestyle you deserve. 

We can assist in structuring your funding  requirements so that they are consistent with your financial plan and optimised for your taxation situation. This can include strategies such as debt recycling to keep you on track over time and keep your borrowings efficient. We factor in affordability and cash flow, and also advise on the best financial structure for your financial situation.


When designing your financial plan its always necessary to ensure that your cash flow is appropriate for your ongoing requirements. It's all part of the mix. Investment, debt, investment returns, your free cash flow and taxation situation need to work in harmony to produce your optimal result. 

In addition to our Model Portfolio Series, we also offer Model Portfolio Plus – ‘an overlaying’ strategy that can be effective in maximising your return given your level of risk.

How it Works

In a “Core and Satellite” approach, recommended investments make up two intertwined and complimentary strategies:

1. The core strategy is the Altus Model Portfolio, which is rebalanced quarterly. The Altus Model Portfolio provides exposure to asset classes that are broadly representative of the market.

2. Satellite strategies then added in addition to the core strategy, providing the potential to deliver higher returns at your risk tolerance.

Who does this suit?

This strategy is not for everyone. It may be better suited to more experienced investors who wish to segment their portfolios, and/or have a higher tolerance to risk, and/or a have a

higher net worth.

Initial advice

The way we work is to start with a blank canvas, and help you realise your masterpiece.  We will create a strategy that’s right for your situation, so you can achieve the financial goals you’ve pictured. 

Ongoing service

Once you have your financial plan, your adviser will periodically “check in” with you and review your progress towards your goals.  This is particularly important as it keeps your financial plan on track, updated and tailored to you.  

Major changes or lifestyle change?

Whether it’s a change in your personal life, such as having a child, economic environment changes, or you have changed Lifestage, we are always evaluating our advice, to ensure it suits your new situation.  

Your Ongoing Service Program is designed to be relevant to the goals you are trying to achieve, the stage of life you are at and the complexity of your personal situation. This means if there are any major changes in your lifestyle this will impact your current advice and plan, and therefore, your level of ongoing service, sometimes a new plan is needed.

Back on track

When we review your progress, we will help you make informed decisions about whether any changes to your plan are required.

Let's get your finances flowing

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