What should I invest in?
Looking at the financial pages online or in the paper can be overwhelming, especially when you see the level of choice of investments. There are so may financial products that similar sounding names and you end up being left in a world of confusion.
Ok, so investing 101 … firstly, you need to know that there are 2 types of investments – debt and equity.
The second lesson is that is that one single investment will never meet all of your investment goals. You know how they say “don’t put all of your eggs in one basket?” Well this is particularly true when investing. Our philosophy is that it’s better to have the right mix of investments in a diversified strategy. The real skill here is getting the right mix of investments that will meet you goals and the level of risk you are comfortable with.
Cash and fixed interest AKA debt investments
Cash and fixed interest investments are called ‘debt’ investments. This is because you own the debt, not because you owe debt. Debt investments work best when you have short term goals. The returns aren’t always high, and generally the risk level is lower than other investments.
Property and shares AKA equity investments
Property and shares are called ‘equity’ investments. This is because you own the company or property in which you invest (part or full owner). Equity investments are popular for building wealth and meeting long - term goals. They are often called ‘growth’ investments because the value of your capital and the income you receive can grow over time.
Generally, the returns generated from equity investments are higher than debt investments and over a long term, the total return (income plus capital growth) can surpass the negative effects of inflation.
Don’t forget …
Short term, equity investments can increase and fall in value significantly (we call this volatility). Generally, the higher the return, the higher the short-term volatility. Equity investments are more effective in a long term strategy. Don’t be dismayed by the inevitable ups and downs of the market. What truly matters is the overall long term growth in this investment.
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