| Super

A Fidelity survey has revealed that about 60 percent of men hope to spend more time with their wives during retirement. This makes sense. For years and years they’ve spent time at work and missed out on opportunities to go to lunch with their spouses, ...

Retirement is the perfect time to travel. The kids are grown up and taking care of themselves, you’re not constrained by your employer’s demands and schedule, and you finally have the freedom to explore the world. After you retire you’ll definitely have ...

Just picture it: You're lying back in that hammock, thinking I have no idea what time of day it is. And you don’t care either. You're not in that work mode anymore or flying out the door to be on that nine to five treadmill. You're happily retired and ...

We all make mistakes. When it comes to retirement, though, it’s better to realise your mistakes early on and correct your course so you can still reach your goals. Whether it's putting off planning, or ignoring growing aged care costs, we’re going to ...

“How much super will I need?” Our daydreams about retirement usually begin with thinking what we’ll do with all of our time once we retire: traveling around the world, campervanning around Australia, taking up a new hobby, or just spending time with ...

It’s getting closer, but you’re not quite there yet. While you’re still in your most productive earning years, you can make a huge difference in your quality of life after you retire. This phase of life is called “pre-retirement.” It’s a critical time. ...

Every investment comes with some level of risk, but as you retire, it’s wise to minimise risk as much as possible. After all, the time for making up for risky investments with extra income has passed, and your strategy now is to hang on to as much of ...

What is Super Stream? SuperStream is a government initiative designed to improve the efficiency in paying superannuation contributions by employers on behalf of their employees. This initiative ensures all employers are sending the correct super ...