| Super

Corporate super funds are superannuation funds available to employees of a particular corporation. In some cases, corporate super funds can be made available to ex-employees or even relatives of current employees. Under current Australian law, employers ...

Four benefits of a corporate super plan at a glance: Lower fees for employees Discounted insurance for fund members Streamlined paperwork Easy communication with employees regarding superannuation changes Corporate super plans are simply superannuation ...

The Australian Government is set to impose the most substantial changes to superannuation since 2007, following the passing of superannuation reform legislation in November 2016.  Let’s take a look at the changes and their implications:   Reduction to ...

If you work for a business, chances are that you’re eligible for the corporate super fund. With so many options available for investing for your retirement, it can be confusing to know whether or not you should go ahead and use the corporate super fund ...

When you’re trying to attract the best talent for your organisation, you offer competitive salaries, an attractive work environment, and tempting benefits. One of the best benefits you can offer your employees is a well-run, employer-sponsored corporate ...

Retirement planning would be simple if everyone needed to save the same amount. But we’re all unique in our financial situations, lifestyle expectations, responsibilities, and health. That’s why it’s so important to figure out how much you need to save ...

No two journeys toward retirement are the same. Some people start their careers right away, some spend many years in higher education, and some work sporadically throughout their lives. Some people marry, and some have children. Some people strive hard ...

Early retirement has lots of appeal, especially when you’re feeling overworked and underappreciated. It’s easy to fantasise about long days with no one to tell you what to do and no definite deadlines to meet. But there is some evidence out there that ...