| Strategy

Moving your business to Australia is an attractive idea for a variety of reasons. Whether you’re moving for the prosperous economy, the beautiful landscape, healthy lifestyle, and even the promise of backyard cricket, it’s important to understand the ...

When it comes to your business, even small negotiations can end up having a big impact on your success. If you feel that negotiating is not one of your talents, all is not lost. Negotiating is not a skill that people are born with. It’s a skill that can ...

The words “business” and “slow down” don’t sound good together. In fact, if you hear that your business is slowing down, you might start to panic. The truth is, though, that sometimes a business needs to slow down in order to grow. As counterintuitive as ...

Study of the field of change management has been prolific over the past few decades, and yet  many  change programs continue to produce poor results. In 1996, author John Kotter released the influential book Leading Change. In the book, Kotter reports ...

Is it more important for your business to decrease costs or increase revenue? This is a recurring question for business owners, and there’s no one best answer for all businesses. So how can you decide whether to focus on lowering your costs or increasing ...

To the businesses of the past, change traditionally meant instability, and instability meant less growth. Today, however, businesses are in a constant state of change. Global capital flows, variability in the labour market, live-streamed communications, ...

One of the most difficult aspects of hiring is trying to predict which people will be right for certain roles. It’s not always apparent if a person will be a great match for a certain position. In fact, your employees are often unsure of exactly where ...

Simply put, “cloud accounting” is a collection of accounting apps that you can access via the Internet. Since the physical locations of the programs don’t matter, they’re “in the cloud.” Most of us have been using “cloud” applications in our personal ...