| Strategy

The acquisition and termination of talent is one of grave importance to the viability of any business. Hiring the right person and firing a wrong fit requires a heightened level of learnedness and cannot be taken lightly. For such crucial tasks the ...

Generally speaking, current organisation attitudes toward employee motivation have long roots in outdated perceptions. If for instance you want to inspire workers and increase your business productivity, the conventional wisdom has always been this: add ...

Big data sounds intimidating and maybe a little scary, but all it is is a collection of data that represents an opportunity for insights and analysis into your business. In other words, it's data collected from traditional and digital sources that you ...

Whether your business is large, small or in between - KPIs offer metrics that you, your investors, and shareholders can use to determine how well your company is performing. More importantly, KPIs give you a snapshot on where you need to improve and ...

Your business is sales and as you well know, the sales landscape has changed over the last three decades or so. For many years, the job of a salesperson was to highlight the various benefits and features of their latest product. In the current market, ...

It's easy to calculate the value of your company's property, vehicles, computers, equipment, and other tangibles. Each item has a market value, and when you add up all of these figures you have a pretty good idea of what your assets are worth. But these ...

Millennials. The mere mention or thought of this demographic (born in the early 1980’s to the early 2000’s) sometimes induces a furrowed brow or a general state of puzzlement. Popular culture, media outlets and research studies typically make this group ...

Being a business owner doesn't come with a specific job description, and this is why business owners often feel stressed and anxious. You take on the weight of the entire business, even when you've hired people to help. That's because, ultimately, the ...