Retirement: This is Your Moment to Shine


We spend so much time talking about saving and sacrificing for retirement that sometimes we forget to talk about the fun parts of retirement. Think of it. You’ll be able to wake up on Monday morning and do whatever you want! So just for today, let’s set aside talk of interest rates and superannuation and talk about the many things to look forward to when you get your moment to shine.

Encore Careers

The term “encore careers” is showing up more and more because it’s such an appealing idea. Most people find that they don’t have the stomach for much risk in their careers while they’re raising their children or paying down their mortgage. But with the kids grown, the house paid off, and the super comfortably funded, you now have the freedom to try your hand at something you’ve never done.

Some people like to try out a career that’s completely different from the one they’ve pursued in the past. Others simply pivot to a different aspect of the same work they’ve been doing; in this way they can take advantage of the connections they’ve developed during their “first career.” Any way you go about it, an encore career can be a fulfilling and financially sound way to spend your retirement years.

New Hobbies

One gentleman took up a paintbrush for the first time at age 70 and spent nearly the next 30 years becoming a well-known local landscape painter. His paintings showed up at local arts and craft shows, and he took great pride in his new identity as an artist.

Stories like this are made possible by the time and leisure afforded to retirees. If you’re living on a fixed income, you can still take up a new hobby. Many hobbies require very little capital investment but can bring years of joy and satisfaction.


Giving back to your community during your retirement years can keep you active, engaged, and others-oriented. Volunteer opportunities for retirees abound. Contact local schools, hospitals, charitable organisations, homeless shelters, and churches to learn about what you can do to help.


Without career and family obligations, you may have much more time on your hands for traveling. Traveling can be as simple and inexpensive as visiting friends and children in their homes or as extravagant as traveling overseas and seeing the sites you’ve only read about.

Share Your Wisdom

Over the years, you’ve learned a lot. Sharing this wisdom can be therapeutic for you and extremely helpful to those you teach. Whether you teach a class, start a blog, write a book, or simply help the neighbour children to build a treehouse or back a batch of cookies, you’ll be passing your knowledge on to the next generation and improving the world around you.

What do you look forward to doing once you retire? Have you tried any of the above suggestions? 


Retirement planning guide

Rod Dickinson

As a Director for Altus Financial, Rod works with people that need guidance and structure to their financial life plan, right through from ordinary individuals right through to high net worth executives and families. Let's Connect