Running a Business? 5 Habits You Can't Afford

Running a business is tough. You have to wear so many different hats and stay on top of so many different tasks. As a business owner, the best way to find success is to develop good habits. Unfortunately, many of us have bad habits to overcome on our way to success. Let’s take a look at the 5 habits you can’t afford as a business owner.


Being Reactive

It’s easy to get entangled in the minutiae of the day, especially when you’re bombarded with emails and phone calls first thing in the morning. If you remember that you only have a few highly productive hours each day, it’s easier to be proactive instead of reactive.

Researchers have found that people are at their highest cognitive functioning during the first two hours that they’re fully awake. Smart business owners use these highly valuable hours to do the tasks that require the most energy and creativity. Answering emails can wait until later in the day. Using your morning hours productively will help you to avoid being reactive in the way you spend your time.




Creating To-Do Lists

Wait. Isn’t list writing a good habit for business owners? The problem with creating to-do lists is that you don’t have deadlines associated with them. Also, people tend to complete the easiest items on the list first instead of the most important ones. Lists create constant reminders of what you haven’t yet finished, creating an oppressive feeling around your work.

What should you do instead? Book time on your calendar that you assign to specific tasks. You can do this even for very short tasks that only take 10 to 15 minutes. The most productive business owners treat their calendar entries as if they were important meetings or doctor appointments. They don’t skip over them or delay them.


Remembering Things In Your Head

As a business owner you have so many details to remember. There’s no way you can remember them all in your head, so don’t even try.

Carry a notebook around with you or use a notes app in your phone. Always write down your new ideas, information about people you meet, and assignments you want to take care of yourself or delegate to others. You will get much more done, and you won’t worry about forgetting the details.


Automatically Saying Yes

It’s tempting to want to say “yes” as often as possible. You make other people happy when you say yes, and you embrace as many opportunities as you can. 

But automatically saying yes comes with a high price. There are only 24 hours in each day, and you have to eat and sleep and take care of yourself. Small things often turn into big things, so try not to rationalize, “It’s just a small thing; I can do it in my free time.” Instead, give yourself permission to say, “no.” If it’s too difficult at first, try, “I’ll have to think about it. I’ll get back to you.” And then really think about it before you commit to anything. When the pressure of the moment is gone, you’ll have a chance to think about it with a clear mind.


Working Late

For business owners, it can feel like the work is never done. And that is probably true. Your work may never be done, but successful people realise that they have limits and need to rejuvenate. Staying at work late and neglecting your health will run you ragged if you’re not careful.

Leave the office or workplace at a reasonable time. Get enough sleep, have dinner with the family, and get some exercise. These things are not time wasters; they’re the essential components of a balanced life.

It’s all too easy to slip into these bad habits, but you can reverse them. Evaluate your current habits and set goals to make improvements. Don’t try to reform every habit at once; you’ll feel overwhelmed. Just choose one, tackle it, and then move on to the next. Your business depends on you. You can do it.

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Paul Conaghan

Paul is a Director and shareholder of Altus Financial. He is driven to build a firm and a team that can provide specialist and experienced advice to support our selected clients with all their financial needs. With over 28 years’ experience partnering a wide range of clients my expertise lies in advising individuals and family businesses with practical advice in respect of taxation, superannuation, management and general day to day business matters. Let's Connect