What is Super Stream? SuperStream is a government initiative designed to improve the efficiency in paying superannuation contributions by employers on behalf of their employees. This initiative ensures all employers are sending the correct super ...

Happy employees result in healthy retention, increased productivity, and happier customers. It’s easy to tell how happy employees are almost from the moment you walk into a business. Happy employees are highly engaged, warm, and connected. They share a ...

Malcolm Turnbull has released his first budget with a focus on super and business. While there may have been some surprises in the announcements, the targeted areas were as most expected. So what does this mean for you and other Altus clients? Below is a ...

Do you hate surprises? We do too! Whether it’s an unexpected payment or speedbump in your business, surprises can be unwelcome and challenging. When it comes to expenses in your business, we believe in having “no surprises”, especially when it comes to ...

It’s not easy finding good employees who add value to your business and contribute to your company culture. When you find employees like this, you want to hold on to them. After all, few things are costlier or more disruptive to your company’s operations ...

Most business owners have the pleasure of working with some fantastic clients who may even become friends. Good clients see business relationships as partnerships that can benefit both parties. On the other hand, most business owners have also dealt with ...

Your company’s culture is its soul. It’s that intangible, unique atmosphere that influences everything that happens at your organisation, from the way people communicate with their co-workers to the pride they take in their work. If you’re discontent ...

Director Paul Conaghan shares three quick tips to consider when buying or selling a business.