Estate planning is a catchphrase that includes many different kinds of planning: guardianship, insurance, business transfership, estate tax considerations, trusts, and more. One of the pillars of your estate planning is your will. A comprehensive will ...
Altus Financial is proud and honoured to win 2 awards at the 2016 Australian Accounting Awards – Diversified Firm of the Year and Firm of the Year (< $1 billion revenue). The Australian Accounting Awards is a national awards program that recognises ...
The words “business” and “slow down” don’t sound good together. In fact, if you hear that your business is slowing down, you might start to panic. The truth is, though, that sometimes a business needs to slow down in order to grow. As counterintuitive as ...
If you’re not sure if your business is profitable, you may feel like you’re spinning your wheels, always working harder but not getting anywhere. Many business owners feel the same way, whether they’re actually making money or not. The solution to this ...
Study of the field of change management has been prolific over the past few decades, and yet many change programs continue to produce poor results. In 1996, author John Kotter released the influential book Leading Change. In the book, Kotter reports ...
Is it more important for your business to decrease costs or increase revenue? This is a recurring question for business owners, and there’s no one best answer for all businesses. So how can you decide whether to focus on lowering your costs or increasing ...
To the businesses of the past, change traditionally meant instability, and instability meant less growth. Today, however, businesses are in a constant state of change. Global capital flows, variability in the labour market, live-streamed communications, ...
Early retirement has lots of appeal, especially when you’re feeling overworked and underappreciated. It’s easy to fantasise about long days with no one to tell you what to do and no definite deadlines to meet. But there is some evidence out there that ...