- You may want a financial adviser who works on a fee for the service provided instead of an hourly rate for financial advice
- You may want to work with an adviser whose firm abides by the fiduciary standard of care (putting their clients' financial interests ahead of their own)
- You may like to work with a firm that provides a team of experts including taxation advice.
Once you know and understand the specific reasons you want to move to a different financial adviser, you'll be able to explain it to others, and you'll have more confidence in your decision.
2. Keep It Professional
When you break the news to your financial adviser, keep it brief and professional. Thank your adviser for his or her help in the past, and explain that things have changed and you're moving on.
If you want to share the specific reasons that explain your move, go ahead and do it. But don't feel obligated to explain. It's your money and your decision. You can keep your reasoning to yourself if you want to.
3. Be Prepared for Pushback
That said, your financial adviser may not want to let you go easily. Losing your business doesn't just hurt your adviser's pride; the loss will also hurt his bottom line. So it's more than reasonable for him to try and keep your business.
Be polite and respectful. Hear your financial adviser out. But if you've firmly made up your mind, just explain that you really do appreciate the work they’ve done for you in the past, but your mind is made up: it's time for you to go now.
4. Slip Away If You Must
If this sounds all too confrontational, perhaps a phone call alerting your adviser of your decision is enough.
This might not work so well if you have a long-established personal friendship. In fact, such a move could mark the end of a long-established personal friendship, but if your relationship with your financial adviser is formal and strictly business, there's nothing wrong with the “phone call” version of a break-up.
Yes, breaking up can be hard to do, but sometimes it's necessary for you to spread your wings and take your finances in a healthier, more profitable direction.