Help! My Business Isn't Making Money, What Now?


If you’re not sure if your business is profitable, you may feel like you’re spinning your wheels, always working harder but not getting anywhere. Many business owners feel the same way, whether they’re actually making money or not. The solution to this ambiguity is to perform a business valuation.

There are many reasons that business valuation is important, from getting ready to sell it to business planning for the future. And business valuation can also be important to help you find out if your business is making money and what you can do if it’s not.


An Outside Viewpoint

Just as it’s helpful to have someone else proofread your report because you’re “too close to it,” it’s extremely helpful to get an outsider’s view of your business. An independent business expert will be able to look at your business objectively and show you where you could make improvements.

It’s nearly impossible for a business owner to take an objective view of his or her business. There are simply too many details and too much intimate knowledge of the organisation for objectivity.


An Accurate Snapshot

Whatever your current business plans are, you’ll benefit from a business valuation because it offers you an accurate snapshot of how you’re doing. It will give you a financial analysis that will help you to discover trends that affect your business. This will help you to know if you’re making money or not. It will also illustrate your capital structure, growth or decline in expenses and revenues, and other important metrics. 

There are several different common approaches to business valuations, including the income approach, the market approach, and the asset-based approach. When you meet with the consultant who will be performing your business valuation, discuss which of these approaches will be most helpful to you in pinpointing why your business isn’t making money. The income approach may be most helpful for businesses having cash flow problems. The market approach will benefit businesses in highly competitive industries.


A Launch Pad for Effective Planning

With an accurate business valuation in hand, you’re in a terrific position for setting new goals and making adjustments to your operations. If your business valuation found that cash flow issues are keeping you from reaching your potential, you can set goals to bring your cash flow into line. If your capital structure is prohibitive to growth, you can restructure and start to make progress. With a clear view of the challenges you’re facing, you can work on solutions and achieve your goals.


Business Valuation

If you’re interested in finding out why your business isn’t making money, contact Altus Financial for a business valuation. Soon you’ll be able to use an accurate business valuation for your business planning, goal setting, and vision for the future.

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Scott Young

Scotty is a Director and shareholder of Altus Financial. He specialises in working with family owned businesses, helping them with their challenges to grow their wealth, negotiate market conditions, satisfy succession planning goals internally or through external sales, monitor and understand industry trends, mitigate risk and prosper. Let's Connect