| Roy Ditmarsch

Innovation is the lifeblood of today’s successful businesses, but about 40% of Australian CFOs say their firms haven’t brought a new product to market within the past three years. What is the cause of this stagnancy? According to a recent survey of ...

Business planning is an essential activity for any entrepreneur. A defined, realistic and strategic business plan will set you on the path to sustainable growth, and empower you to achieve your short and long-term goals. However, business planning can be ...

At a glance, things to consider when writing a succession plan for your small or family business include: Developing your future business leaders Analysing your corporate finance structure options Business valuation, including fair market value, ...

Failure can be good for business. Yes, you read that right. As painful as it can be to face business failures, you can actually gain even more from your failures than you can from your successes. A Harvard Business Review article by Francesca Gino and ...

Your business vision is the heart of your business. It’s what motivates you and your employees to work hard, try new things, and reach out to new customers. But Gallup found in a recent survey of 49,928 businesses that only about four in ten employees ...

You’ve got your business plan, you’ve hired good workers, your business is humming along, and you’re utterly swamped in the day-to-day operations. But how do you know if your company is thriving? Are there signs to look for that will tell you that your ...

An important step toward fostering business growth and success comes down to recruiting the right Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Whether you decide to outsource this position or hire internally, the role is essential for your business. Here are five hats ...

After years of long hours, relentless commitment, and a few sleepless nights, a question like this can really be difficult. Your business can be like a child. You have loved it and tended it like a parent, and you have been the one responsible for its ...