| Roy Ditmarsch

Some of the most innovative and forward-thinking businesses in Australia are SMEs. With their ability to quickly adapt to technology and to scale up or down, smaller businesses often have advantages over larger, more cumbersome businesses. Maybe that’s ...

After working diligently for many years in order to build up your business, it can be difficult to transition to retirement. In many ways, owning a business is like raising a child. You put so many of your hopes and dreams into the business, and it ...

So Dad’s handing down the reins to you! If you grew up around the family business, you may be well acquainted with many of the aspects of how it runs. You may have worked at the business from time to time, or even be in the leadership team at present. ...

In this video, Altus Managing Director Roy Ditmarsch shares six tips for ensuring a smooth transition from your business.    

Business succession isn’t a last-minute process; it requires careful, strategic planning and ongoing support. In fact, small businesses without succession plans often fail when the owner or a senior-level partner retires or dies simply because there was ...

Too many business owners fail to plan for what will happen when they can no longer run the business due to illness, disability or death. Some people just don’t want to think about it, while others don’t know how to go about succession planning. Others ...

Do you ever worry that your business will run out of cash before it runs out of profit? This is a big concern for many business owners, and part of the problem is that many people confuse cash with profit. Cash and profit are not the same, and when you ...

Creating a culture of performance is critical to your organisation’s success, but the path toward this goal isn’t always clear. The executive team can sit around the boardroom table and discuss performance strategies and goals, but it can seem difficult, ...