3 Sure Signs You're a Workaholic


Some people are workaholics by choice: they feel like they're missing out when they're not connected to work, and they genuinely thrive on long hours and work-related stress. Others, however, are workaholics because there's simply too much work to do. At the end of a too-long day, these workaholics not only feel exhausted, but they may also feel guilty about neglecting their families and personal lives.

Do you relate to the following problems?


1. You Work All the Time But Don't Feel That You're Taking Initiative

When you have too much to do, you can work hard every day and feel like you're merely "catching up." Your hard work might feel more rewarding if you were doing some of the proactive, forward-thinking tasks that you'd like to work on. But it seems that your days are driven by distractions like reading emails and handling crises.


2. You're Busy, All the Time

There are so many details for you to keep track of that there's simply no down time in your days. There's no quiet, concentrated time for brainstorming or evaluating where you are and what's next. You just go, go, go. In fact, you rarely have time to consider how the last task has been handled before two or three more are clamoring for your attention.

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3. You Find That Your Actions Are Less Intentional and More Reactive

When you don't have a chance to take control of your schedule because it is bursting at the seams, you spend your day reacting to unplanned events, others' priorities, and the minutia of your business. If and when you can get through the details, then you try to do what's most meaningful for your company and your career. But this doesn't happen very often.


How to Take Back Control of Your Working Life

If you have found yourself relating to the problems listed above, it's time to take control and step out of the workaholic role. When you find a way to do so, not only will your own quality of life improve, but your business will thrive.

You were hired to do a specific job: to steer the finances of your business in a pre-set direction. This takes vision, forethought, daily adjustments, and leadership. However, when it comes down to it, you sometimes find yourself so bogged down in the details that leadership is the farthest thing from your mind.

If you can manage to delegate the minutia that consumes your thoughts and eats away at the time you should be spending on your personal expertise, you will be able to step back to the helm and guide your company to its financial goals.


Outsourcing Finance

Many companies have found that outsourcing some or all of their finance department is the best way to manage these issues. With the minutia handled by specialists who can focus on the numbers the details are accomplished handily, and YOU are able to do what YOU do best. You can handle the big picture, advising others to handle the details and focus your strengths where they will do the most good.

Without the nagging pressures of the details of your company's finances, you can reclaim the calm, proactive career you have always envisioned. The forward-thinking plans that you've buried under that pile of work and emails can finally be realised.

For more information about outsourcing financial tasks for your company, contact us. We'll be happy to discuss the possibilities and help you to live and work in a more manageable, satisfying manner. 

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