10 Charities We Should Be Thankful for Today!


Many years ago, young Anne Frank wisely said, "No one has ever become poor by giving."

This time of year, many people turn their thoughts to charitable endeavours and want to do what they can for those around them. Fortunately, Australia is home to many different charities that provide a wide variety of services to assist those in need. As you enjoy the festivities of the holiday season, consider donating to a charity of your choice. Your donations can make a huge difference in the lives of others. 

Anne Frank was right: when we give to others we enrich our own lives. Many of us don't have the time to create charities of our own, but we can lend our support to those who have the time and desire to do it. Whether you want to support ocean wildlife, contribute to the literacy of disadvantaged children, or lend your financial backing to organisations that provide during natural disasters, you'll find a charity that can address your desire to serve. And who knows? Perhaps your own life will be touched by a charity you support.

The following is a list of ten charitable organisations that operate in Australia. Each plays an integral part in the thriving, giving community we call home.


For nearly 70 years, UNICEF has worked for children's rights, specifically for safe shelter, adequate nutrition, relief during disasters, and health care and education. 

Living Oceans Foundation

Living Ocean is a charity that promotes the awareness of human impact on the ocean, through research, education, creative activity in the community, and support of others who sustain ocean health and integrity.

Beyond Blue

A newish charity, Beyond Blue provides hope and support for people with depression and chronic mood disorders. The charity educates the public about these issues and helps people who fall through the cracks of today's healthcare system.

Sea Shepherd

Sea Shepherd aims to end the destruction of habitat and the slaughter of wildlife in the world's oceans. To do this, the charity documents, investigates, and takes action to confront illegal activities.

Australian Red Cross

In emergencies, the Red Cross shows up. From blood service and disaster work to feeding hungry people and alleviating mental health issues, the Red Cross lends a helping hand to thousands of people every year.

Indigenous Literacy Foundation

Literacy can mean the difference between poverty and a fruitful life, and the Indigenous Literacy Foundation focuses on ways to improve literacy levels. 

Royal Flying Doctor Service

Emergency health care is scarce in the Australian outback, but the Royal Flying Doctor Service takes the finest health care to the furthest corners of Australia. Donations to this charity truly save lives.

Fitted For Work

Landing a job is a huge step toward financial independence, and Fitted for Work helps disadvantaged women to help themselves by providing job hunting and interview services as well as professional attire to wear to interviews and work.

The Smith Family

The Smith Family is a children's charity that helps disadvantaged Australian children to achieve academically. Oftentimes, disadvantaged children fall through the cracks in their educations. The Smith Family helps them to create better futures for themselves.

Exodus Foundation

The Exodus Foundation combats poverty in many different ways. They offer food services, literacy assistance, refuge for the homeless, and crisis intervention. 

The electronic devices and gift baskets we give and receive this holiday season will soon lose their luster, but the donations we make to charity may have a lasting impact on people or animals around the country. If this is a budget-tight year for you, consider volunteering for a local charity. Charities are frequently in need of those with time to spare.

Enjoy the holiday season!

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