Do you have the right people in the right roles?
Do you have the right business information coming to you in a timely way?
Do you feel in control of your business?
Are all your customer segments profitable?
Are you comfortable with your business's cashflow?
Do you understand the key drivers of your profitability?
Are you happy with your costs compared to your revenue?
Is your business profitable?
Do you analyse your profitability compared to your budget?
Are you comfortable that your tax obligations are optimised?
Are you confident your cloud accounting system tells you the information you need in a timely way?
Are you happy with your business growth plan?
Are you confident with your banking and/or funding arrangements?
Are you satisfied with your business plan?
Are you confident you understand your business risks?
Are you confident your business is covered and protected?
Do you have a succession plan for your business?
Have you communicated your succession plan to the right stakeholders?
Are your key activities documented and understood by your staff?
Have you outgrown your existing business structure?