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Monday, April 08, 2013

Meet the top performing fund managers

Learn more about investing in a low interest rate environment

Choosing how and where to invest your money is often a challenging decision that should not be taken lightly.  In the current low interest rate environment, there are some investments you’ll want to avoid and some better choices on where to invest.

As you’re a client or a friend of Altus, we are inviting you to  an evening where some of the top performing fund managers in the country will be focussing on the questions below:

1. Will the returns from cash and term deposits be enough to meet your long term lifestyle objectives?

2. With interest rates so low, is there still enough potential in fixed income and credit markets to receive real returns (after taking into account inflation)?

3. Will the Australian equities market continue to recover from these levels?

4. What opportunities are available to investors who look outside of Australia for returns, particularly in global shares?

5. What is the outlook for the property sector in Australia?

The Details

It’s on at 5.30 - 7pm – Wednesday 8 May 2013.

It will be held at Angel Place -  Level 12, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney (Perpetual building).

Feel free to invite a friend – these issues are of interest to a wide range of people.

We are very fortunate to be able to offer complimentary attendance to our clients and friends. We do ask that you  RSVP to by 24 April 2013.

Questions? Call or email  or your Altus Adviser.

The Altus Team.

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